Beautiful Life Is Here, Your Images In Banners!

Images Of Lifes Are Not Beautiful In Banner? You Bet!

Welcome to Funny Banner Blog. We have various stories and articles to amuse you here with pictures. Images of life are too beautiful to enjoy, but how about ones in banner, and the odd, the silly ones? Think about funny banner ads? Get inspired! Here are the funny banners to tell stories, from playing golf for free, lawyer with his advise layer, long distance relationship to turn sour, car insurance which everyone might want to have it faster, cheaper, reliable, tour to China, to how to get free from Parkinson's disease and not suffering from bulimia. Enjoy your day!

Diamond Jewelry For Lovers?

Diamond Jewelry For Lovers? This diamond is not for you who have no money, meaning not for a stingy who ignores his spouse's interest in art. This precious thing will be kept by your partner and you must spend a lot of money to afford it. You must have sincere heart and strong intention to please someone you care for.

funny banner
But, something happened last night that it was stolen by a man with a thick mustache. The diamond was gone from a store, down town. Seemingly the man really needed something shining and sparkling to place into his girlfriend's heart. If this sentence is an expression, he must want to be as romantic as Romeo's Shakespeare. The super expensive jewelry is for Juliet, his lover. And where is she now? That's not the point that he would like to tell about.

The police are searching for the whereabouts of the thief . Unfortunately, three days after they find him, he's got them hypnotized on the spot. Now the police feels like having a huge romance that they want to steal a kind of diamond jewelry for lovers. They dance Gangnam Style and they cheer up like crazy among each other. And soon, they fly high to the sky to be superbandits. Very funny and illogical.

Okay, that's enough. By the way, if you might want to get entertained by diamond story, get any stories of it here, get your real jewelry diamonds and be a true lover.

By the way, how about this diamond jewelry for lovers story? Terrible? It's terrible if you force yourself to smile at this.

Beautiful images Of Life Or Sad Ones?

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